Can Vitamins Reduce Stress?

Stress is a part of everyday life. For some people, however, the level of stress experienced during a routine day may be more than what other people experience. While there are many techniques available to help you deal with stress, a natural way of doing so is through the use of certain vitamins.

Many people who suffer from stress or anxiety disorders find medications useful, but medications often come with side effects. For many of those suffering from stress, vitamins are a much more effective way of treating their symptoms without the risk of side effects.

You can find the supplements you need at just about any health store. Vitamins are affordable and do not require a prescription, just a couple more reasons to consider them if you suffer from stress.

Here are some examples of supplements that help with the symptoms of stress and anxiety:

Vitamin A is very effective for stress management. It contains various types of anti-oxidants which are known to reduce stress levels. It also helps the immune system.

The Vitamin B-complex are also helpful. Even a small deficiency in this complex will bring about a variety of problems which can include increased stress, anemia, depression and fatigue.

The B-complex vitamins are helpful in several ways. For instance, the vitamin B8 can help reduce the symptoms of depression and can also help to even stop panic attacks. B6 is known to increase the levels of serotonin. This helps to improve the mood of the person. B3 can help increase energy and also helps prevent anxiety symptoms.

The Vitamin C has long been known to be very helpful for increased health. As an anti-oxidant it can reduce stress levels.

Vitamin D is also important. It is produced by sunlight. It only takes about 10-15 minutes of sunlight per day to get a proper dose. Vitamin D can decrease depression and decrease the symptoms often associated with anxiety.

Many of these essential vitamins can be ingested through food. For example, carrots, sweet potatoes, liver, spinach, and cantaloupe are good sources of Vitamin A. Vitamin B can be found in clams, fish, cheese, liver, eggs, and lamb. We all know Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits but it can also be found leafy greens, bell peppers, broccoli and several other foods.

As you can see getting the proper level of vitamins is not hard. Either through the diet or though supplements, the addition of important vitamins will have a positive effect on your anxiety symptoms. For many people, this may be all they need to increase their quality of

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