Where Are the Natural Vitamin Sources?

It is easy to purchase vitamin supplements to reduce any vitamin deficiencies, except for lot of people, it is not difficult to get their recommended every day quota of vitamins through natural sources. Main key to gain the proper quantity of vitamins from natural sources is to have a well and sensible diet.

There are particular diets, like vegetarian, which provides a restricted range of natural vitamin supplements and hence some additional supplements are needed for balancing the body and health.

It is very important to know about these vitamins and their natural sources so that People who are deficit of vitamins can incorporate these sources into their regular diet. Vitamins which are water soluble can not be stored within the body and they need to be regenerated each day.

So which are the natural sources for vitamins and knowing these sources are the most key to know.

These are the details of Vitamins that you can get from natural resources.

-- B2 Natural Vitamin Sources are legumes, blackstrap molasses, yeast, nuts, brewers yeast, whole grains and organ meats.
-- B3 Natural Vitamin Sources are rice bran, brewers yeast, poultry, fish, lean meats, potatoes, peanuts and milk.
-- B4 Sources are legumes, soyabeans, egg yolks, wheat germ, organ meats, fish and brewers yeast.
-- B5 Sources are salmon, organ meats, brewers yeast, egg yolks, whole grains and legumes.
-- B6 Sources are meats, wheat germ, blackstrap molasses, whole grains, brewers yeast and organ meats.
-- B7 Sources are liver, sardines, egg yolks, legumes, whole grains, unpolished rice and legumes.
-- B8 Sources are meat, vegetables, citrus fruits, whole grains, molasses, milk, brewers yeast and nuts
-- and C Natural Vitamin Sources are chilli, cabbage and citrus.

You can get latest information like above from USDA- United States Department of Agriculture and Nutrition.

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