Why Do We Need Fruits and Vegetables?

Everyone keeps telling us to eat your fruits and vegetables. They tell us to get 5 a day and now the medical and nutritional communities are telling us to get 9 or more everyday. What is the great benefit of eating fruits and vegetables?

One of the very best reasons to eat fruits and vegetables is for the health benefits. Fruits and vegetables will add vitamins and minerals that your body needs to be healthy and strong. Fiber is also very important for helping to prevent many diseases. Fiber can help to prevent heart disease and stroke and aid in digestive health. Your body needs at least 25 grams of fiber each day. One good examples of a high fiber fruit is an apple. One apple will provide 4 grams of fiber. An example of a high fiber vegetable is 1 ear of corn on the cob. It will give you 5 grams of fiber. A plum will provide 2 grams of fiber and a pear 4. Just by eating these 4 pieces of produce you can get 15 grams of fiber. It is not that difficult. Your body will thank you for giving it more fiber.

Fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and essential enzymes that our bodies need to function properly. Vitamin A helps in cell reproduction and aids with our vision and bone and teeth growth. Tomatoes, cantaloupe, kiwi and oranges are some produce with the highest vitamin A. Vitamin B1 is necessary for the functioning of the heart, nervous system and our muscles. This vitamin helps us to have more energy and watermelon and peas and avocados are great for vitamin B1. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps protect our cells from free radicals that can cause cell damage. Strawberries, lemons, oranges, blackberries, broccoli, carrots and green peppers are great sources of vitamin C. Vitamin E is also a great antioxidant and helps in the formation of red blood cells. It is also good for the health of the skin and healing minor skin problems. Great sources of vitamin E are blackberries, bananas, apples, and kiwi.

Fruits and vegetables are good for the skin, the teeth, and the functioning of the body for health and energy. They are good for the heart, and to prevent disease. They are also good for the immune system to help fight colds and the flu. These are all great reason to be consuming many fruits and vegetables everyday.

Some great ways to get more fruits and vegetables in your life are by turning fruits and vegetables into a juice that is delicious and easy to do. Always keep fresh fruits and vegetables easily available. Set them out on the counter washed and ready to eat. You can also cut vegetables and fruits into bite sized pieces that make it easy to grab for a snack or to pack in lunches. Add vegetables to soups and sauces and add some to your cereal or sandwich. Adding these valuable sources of vitamins and minerals to your life everyday can be easy and very satisfying. Our bodies do need fruits and vegetables to be healthy, strong and full of energy to accomplish our daily tasks.

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