Methew Alyx
We always keep listening from some or the other person about the importance of vitamins. But do we know what exactly the vitamins are? Or what is the role of these minerals in our body? These are the organic substances which are not synthesized in the body but can be acquired from an outer source. They are found in the foods we consume. So it is very essential to include green vegetables and fruits in the daily diet so that we get all the essential minerals which are required.
There are two types of these minerals, one is water soluble and the other is fat soluble. Water soluble is acquired from food and is not compounded in the body. It gets destroyed if the food is overcooked. These minerals are usually lost when the food finally reaches on our plate. This is due to excessive use of harsh chemicals to preserve them.
The fat soluble mineral, as the name indicates they are soluble in fat. They are absorbed in the body from intestinal tract. Once these are absorbed, the body accumulates them in body fat. When we need them, our body takes them out of storage to be used. Excess consumption of these minerals leads to irritability, weight loss, dry itchy skin in children and nausea, headache, diarrhea in adults.
This organic component is very important for our balanced diet. Our body cannot manufacture it on its own, thus it is consumed in the form of food. Deficiency of these compounds invites many health problems and diseases. The body's metabolism is dependent on these compounds as on carbohydrates, fats, minerals and other basic components of a complete diet.
There are thirteen types of these minerals. Each one has its own value and functions. Each type is present in different vegetables and fruits. Thus to supply our body with each of these minerals we need to eat different foods to get an assortment of these compounds.
These are necessary for the normal growth and development of the body. Deficiency of this can cause severe problems. While deficiency can lead to diseases, over dose also affect the body seriously. High dosages cause side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. The amount of minerals we need is very small and can be attained with daily food.
However if the daily food does not provide enough supply of this minerals then we can also opt for supplements which are a good substitute of these minerals. Supplements can also have other health benefits. Like Vit C is known to prevent common cold. It can be taken in form of pill or is found in fruits such as oranges. If we have a cold Vit C can also help to alleviate the symptoms.
The best way to ensure that we are getting sufficient intake of this mineral is to keep a check on our diet.
A balanced diet provides each mineral that is required by our body. Before taking any supplements it is advisable to consult the physician.
We always keep listening from some or the other person about the importance of vitamins. But do we know what exactly the vitamins are? Or what is the role of these minerals in our body? These are the organic substances which are not synthesized in the body but can be acquired from an outer source. They are found in the foods we consume. So it is very essential to include green vegetables and fruits in the daily diet so that we get all the essential minerals which are required.
There are two types of these minerals, one is water soluble and the other is fat soluble. Water soluble is acquired from food and is not compounded in the body. It gets destroyed if the food is overcooked. These minerals are usually lost when the food finally reaches on our plate. This is due to excessive use of harsh chemicals to preserve them.
The fat soluble mineral, as the name indicates they are soluble in fat. They are absorbed in the body from intestinal tract. Once these are absorbed, the body accumulates them in body fat. When we need them, our body takes them out of storage to be used. Excess consumption of these minerals leads to irritability, weight loss, dry itchy skin in children and nausea, headache, diarrhea in adults.
This organic component is very important for our balanced diet. Our body cannot manufacture it on its own, thus it is consumed in the form of food. Deficiency of these compounds invites many health problems and diseases. The body's metabolism is dependent on these compounds as on carbohydrates, fats, minerals and other basic components of a complete diet.
There are thirteen types of these minerals. Each one has its own value and functions. Each type is present in different vegetables and fruits. Thus to supply our body with each of these minerals we need to eat different foods to get an assortment of these compounds.
These are necessary for the normal growth and development of the body. Deficiency of this can cause severe problems. While deficiency can lead to diseases, over dose also affect the body seriously. High dosages cause side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. The amount of minerals we need is very small and can be attained with daily food.
However if the daily food does not provide enough supply of this minerals then we can also opt for supplements which are a good substitute of these minerals. Supplements can also have other health benefits. Like Vit C is known to prevent common cold. It can be taken in form of pill or is found in fruits such as oranges. If we have a cold Vit C can also help to alleviate the symptoms.
The best way to ensure that we are getting sufficient intake of this mineral is to keep a check on our diet.
A balanced diet provides each mineral that is required by our body. Before taking any supplements it is advisable to consult the physician.